While we value our relationships with law enforcement and want to continue to build a safer community for all Coloradans, we feel we must take a stand. However, we cannot in good conscience, as an organization that speaks up for justice, look the other way when it comes to police violence aimed at the Black community–a history of violence that goes back even further in American history. For all these decades, The Center has worked to address these issues and improve the relationship between the LGBTQ community and the police and we have made great strides. There are numerous examples of police violence going back beyond the famous Stonewall Riots of 1969. The entire history of the LGBTQ civil rights movement is rooted in a history of opposing police harassment and violence aimed at our community. “The Center was founded 45 years ago in response to police violence and harassment of the LGBTQ community. The Center, who hosts PrideFest, released the following statement regarding their decision: “I’m hopeful that that maybe we can have continued conversations with leaders in the people that made these decisions, to try to bridge that gap and allow us to be back in the process.” “I’m an openly proud gay man, and it is quite upsetting to feel like part of my community has kind of turned their back on me, just because of the profession I’ve chosen and the uniform that I wear,” Amsler said. Digital Replica Edition Home Page Close Menu